*NACIONAL Codex Madrid I Codex Madrid II *NAME Constantinople Magellan, Ferdinand *NAP Shearing Machine *NATIONAL Joan of Arc Portrait of Ginevra Benci Shakespeare, William Virgin & Child with St. Anne - cartoon Virgin of the Rocks - 1494 *NATIVE Columbus, Christopher *NAVIGATOR Gama, Vasco da Magellan, Ferdinand *NAVY Henry VIII *NEAR Steam Cannon *NECESSARY Fortress *NEVER Adoration of the Magi Elizabeth I Horse, The Joint Landing Gear St. Jerome *NEW Calvin, John Columbus, Christopher Drums I Elizabeth I Fortress Gama, Vasco da Renaissance *NEWFOUNDLAND Cabot, John *NEWTON Galileo Galilei *NEXT Cannon Dredger *NICCOLO Florence Machiavelli, Niccolò *NICCOL Renaissance *NICOLAUS Copernicus, Nicolaus Renaissance *NIGHT Shakespeare, William *NINETY Luther, Martin *NOBILITY Workshop *NOBLES Feudal system *NODULES Artillery Shell *NOMINATED Gama, Vasco da *NORTHEASTERN Cabot, John *NORTHERN Cabot, John Milan *NOSE Artillery Shell *NOSTRADAMUS Nostradamus *NOTE Bell *NOTEBOOK Codex Arundel Codex Atlanticus Codex Forster Codex Madrid I Codex Madrid II Windsor Collection *NOTEBOOKS Bicycle *NOTED Suleiman the Magnificent *NOTES Backwards "secret" writing Codex Madrid II Tank Viola-Organista Woodwind Keys *NOTICE Metal Roller *NOW Court Entertainer Leda and the Swan Magellan, Ferdinand Mona Lisa *NUMBER Pedometer *NUREMBERG Wheel Lock *NUT Drawing Compasses *NYLON Parachute *